Thursday, 21 January 2010

Empower Yourself for Success by Sandkat

We talked earlier about the power of a single decision, acted upon immediately and with utter conviction. All of us possess inner resources, something to which we can turn for help, that can enable us to achieve all we've ever dreamed of. A single decision can open the floodgates to joy or sorrow, prosperity or want, companionship or loneliness, long life or early death.

 Could you make a decision today that could change or improve your quality of life? How about doing something you've been putting off ... learn a new set of skills, call someone you haven't spoken to in years, treat people with a newfound sense of love and respect?

Just remember, all decisions have consequences - failing to make a decision is a decision in itself.
Are there decisions you have made or failed to make in the past that still affect your life today?
Think of two actions you need to do right now that will change your life. Decide now - this is it !

" It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny"

Monday, 11 January 2010

Empower Yourself for Success by Sandkat

You'll never change anything in your life unless you have a good enough reason to do so. Whether you're sick of feeling like a failure, having no money, no confidence or stuck in a bad situation with no obvious way out first of all you need to identify your reason for change.

Who would have thought that a quiet,unassuming man - a pacifist by nature- would have the power to bring down a mighty Empire? Yet Mahatma Gandhi did just that. Through a determined belief in nonviolence as a means of helping India's population regain control of their country, he set in motion an unbelievable chain of events.

So he saw a reason for change, envisaged his goal and then made a commitment so forceful he could not turn back from it.

This is what you need to do. Find your reason for change, identify your goal and then make a commitment that you will not fail. Gandhi's consistent commitment to his decision made his belief an undeniable reality. Passion, conviction, and action will  lead to unstoppable momentum.

"A single decision, acted upon immediately and with utter conviction, has tremendous power."

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Empower yourself for success by Sandkat

 It's not what we do once in a while that counts, it's our consistent actions that ultimately determines who we become and where we end up in life. What is the greatest of all actions? Our decisions. In these moments our destiny is shaped. More than anything else our decisions determine our destiny.

What am I getting at here? ..... Well, you see I was always the type of person who looked as if I was in control, who looked like I knew where I was going but in fact it was the opposite, I was unable to control anything in my life.  The problem was, I had  accepted that I was a failure, accepted that I wasn't good at anything and my mind automatically assumed I shouldn't get anywhere because I wasn't worth anything and so didn't deserve anything.

Do you suppose I was different from anyone else.  Not that much, all of us have funny little hang up's and suffer from lack of confidence. 

Then something amazing happened.  I got completely and utterly sick of it all.  I was sick of feeling demoralised, of feeling a failure and of always achieving NOTHING.  It had to change.

So what really happened to me was - I now had a reason.  And that's what you have to find. A cause and then you will start to get the effect.  Right now you're in a place without a direction, a place with no goals, you're just doing what you have always done.  It needs to need to find your reason, cause, goal.

Yesterday I asked you to remember a really profound quote.  Today I want you to think seriously about the quote below and be determined to act on it.

"Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction".

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Nothing Happens Without A Dream

We all have dreams and we all want to believe that we can make a difference, that we have a special gift and can touch people in a special way - making the world a better place.What's your dream? Maybe it's something you've forgotten or let go of. If you had fulfilled your dream, what would your life be like today? Why not stop for a moment and take time out to dream? What do you really want for your life?

We all want to achieve our dreams.


"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for."

I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER THAT EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE .  It's one of the truest sayings you'll ever hear.